So, Tate Modern celebrated 10 years of existence and I was hired to document the occasion; No Soul For Sale curated the event, which had 70-odd arts groups crammed into the turbine call and theatres. It was a really hard job but I'm fairly pleased with the shots I got; the Friday basically ran to a 15 hour shift, which you'd imagine might be enough but in reality when you get tired it's hard to work as hard. Or something. I'm not going to put up all 600 photos (from 4000ish taken - good strike rate!) from the event, oh no. Those are for the Tate and the various press and agencies who want to use them (hello Vogue Italia). Here's a few of my favourites though.

I felt like sleeping for a week after that was all done, but it was straight onto the next job for me - shooting for Age Concern in Ealing.

Elsewhere! Lucha Britannia returned for a show ahead of next month's trip to Download festival.

Empress Stah invited me to take some pre-production shots of a project she's working on.

I shot Marky Market, Stuart Geddess and Steven Silverwood for Le Cool, which relaunched shinier than ever.

And lastly but not remotely leastly, a massive congratulations to Josh Josh Jones and his new wife. They had the best wedding I've been to. Hurray!

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