After an 8 hour editing session all through Saturday night, Sunday found me at Photophilia 2, an invite-only shooting event for models, stylist and clothes designers who otherwise might have trouble getting all the people and props in the same place at the same time.

Monday and Tuesday, I found myself in Norfolk.

Wednesday starts with a shoot with Margarita Zafrilla Olayo, a Spanish dancer. We have three locations - Canary Wharf, Wood Green High Street, and Hampstead Heath. I'm enjoying working with dancers and hope to arrange more shoots like this, combining my knowledge of fashion lighting with live performance photography.

Afterwards I was off to the Roundhouse for the Dice Club Emerging Proms. Although I got there too late for Stavin' Chains, I saw my band-of-the-year Wild Palms, and Infinity, a one-off group made of members of S.C.U.M., Ipso Facto, Proxy Music and Bo Ningen.

Thursday started with a portrait of Tariq Goddard, for Le Cool.

Afterwards I was off to A Rebours

Friday was the last TransKabaret Maxximus; a transvestite performance night put on by the excellent Ryan Styles and Johnny Woo, at Resistance Gallery. I'm glad to have been to them all.

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