Digital SLR ini termasuk favorit banyak fotografer. Termasuk (yg bukan) fotografer seperti saya. Bodinya ramping mudah dibawa kemanapun. Walaupun bodinya imut, namun fungsi sudah sangat memadai untuk membuat gambar bak fotografer professional. Dengan kemampuan 8 megapixel-nya yang diolah dengan DIGIC II image processor membuatnya tidak kalah dengan kamera kelas profesionalnya.
Menu-menu yang ditawarkan sangat mudah diakses melalui tombol-tombol yang user friendly. Pengalaman saya dalam menggunakan 350D sebagai my firs DSLR sangat-sangat memuaskan. Dengan mudah kita bisa mengaplikasikan teknik dari buku panduan. Mencari menu atau pengaturan mode kreatif sangat mudah dilakukan.
Dari sisi, compatibility dengan berabagai macam lensa Canon maupun produsen lainnya tidak ada masalah. Anda akan memiliki pilihan lensa yang sangat luas, mulai dari lensa L-series, EF, EFS dari Canon, Tamron for Canon, Sigma, dan Tokina. Saya sendiri sangat puas dengan kombinasi Canon 350D ini dengan Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f/2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF).
Mungkin satu-satunya keluhan terhadap kamera ini adalah dari mereka yang memiliki tangan dan jari yang besar. Karena body 350D cukup mungil, menyulitkan mereka memegang dan mengoperasikannya. Selebihnya kamera sangat saya rekomendasikan.
Nah review lengkap produknya seperti berikut (dikutip dari )
Faster processing for better resultsUnderpinning the camera's performance is Canon's high-speed DIGIC II (Digital Image Core) processor, as found in Canon’s professional series EOS-1D Mark II and EOS-1Ds Mark II. DIGIC II is Canon’s second generation image processor, purpose built to handle the complex algorithms required for maximum image quality; optimally processing functions such as white balance and colour rendition. By integrating key functions onto a single processor, DIGIC II delivers superb quality images without trading camera responsiveness. "Digital image quality is dependent on three factors: lens quality, sensor performance and image processing capability,” said Jensen. “Canon is a developer, designer and manufacturer of the key components in each of the three critical technology areas: lens, CMOS sensor and image processor. It is the leadership position in each of these core technology areas that gives the EOS 350D Digital its edge.”
Better focusing
Focus can now be selected between One Shot AF (for single shot focusing), AI SERVO AF (for predictive tracking of subjects approaching at up to 50kph up to 10m away ) and AI Focus AF (switches automatically between One Shot AF and AI SERVO AF when subject movement is detected). This improves on the EOS 300D by providing direct selection of the three focusing modes. For more flexible focusing, AF point selection is now possible with the cross keys as well as from the main dial. Full time manual override is available with all EF Auto Focus lenses, while a new Precision Matte screen gives a brighter viewfinder image for easier, more accurate manual focusing.Improved flash, The pop-up flash has a guide number of 13 and sits even higher (95.5mm) above the optical axis than on the EOS 300D, helping suppress red eye effect and reducing the possibility of lens barrel shadow. Angle of coverage extends to support wide lenses to 17mm. Flash compensation of ±2 stops in 1/3- or 1/2- stop increments is available with both the built-in flash and with all EX-series Speedlite flash units. Optional wired or infra red wireless remote control is available.
Comprehensive accessories, software and online access
The EOS 350D Digital comes complete with NB-2LH battery pack, charger, USB cable, video cable, wide embroidered anti-slip neck strap. A new optional Battery Grip BG-E3 gives the camera a solid and balanced pro feel, particularly when the camera is fitted with longer lenses, and includes a shutter release and main dial for vertical/portrait shooting. It comes complete with one magazine that takes 6 AA batteries and another that takes two NB-2LH Li-Ion rechargeable batteries.Purchase of the EOS 350D Digital entitles photographers to membership of the CANON iMAGE GATEWAY with a 100 MB online photo album for image uploads. As well as Digital Photo Professional RAW image workflow software, ZoomBrowser EX 5.1 (Windows) and ImageBrowser 5.1 (Mac) are included for handling image file transfers between camera and computer, managing and printing files, and preview and conversion of RAW images.
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