Halloween is the best thing. People dress up for the sake of dressing up. It's difficult to work that night though; I'd rather be in the crowd, with friends. Here's Cargo on a Saturday night.

Afterwards I saw two police running down the road, one was saying into their radio "how can we find someone in a Halloween mask?" or words to that effect.
Monday I ended up in Tottenham, in a boxing gym behind a building I did judo in when I was a child. I was there to take pictures of Hannah Beharry, a young lady who fights, for a friends magazine project.

Ahh boxing, reportage - has to be monochrome really doesn't it? There's probably a law or an ancient statute or something.
Tuesday I ended up sitting in the Radio One building, waiting for Annie Mac, to get a portrait for Le Cool. The shot had been delayed a few times and when it came down to it I had about five minutes to get it. She wasn't a particularly chatty lady, and that rather defused my annoyance at having to wait. Doesn't she know who I am??

Thursday I got to take some nice pictures of music for Slutty Fringe. I appreciate more and more being able to develop my own sort of style with these things. They're a very excellent organisation, and on Thursday had set me up to take pix of Anti-Pop Consortium.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to improve my skills shooting things that I'm not always completely familiar with; I suppose ultimately I'd like to be able to shoot anything and everything perfectly, so far as there can be a perfection with photography. I'm also very aware that it's completely and utterly impossible to do that. I feel though that the attempt will improve my photography, and every time I take a better picture than I have before, it makes me happy for days.
Friday was a rush day; first taking my father to the airport to get him off to NZ - the first time he's been out of Europe, and he was shaking at the departure gates. Then off to A Rebour Live, another night put on by Reece but this time with live music. Here's Stavin' Chains. They're nice boys and they make a racket.

There was more stuff but right now I have to rush off to Dorset. Next week: more!
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